Source code for

.. module:: weather
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: The classes and modules provided have several functions to aid in abstracting the nuances with the
                wunderground responses. The purpose is to expose the results in a uniform format while providing
                shortcuts, normalizing access, and making more pythonic references to wunderground's data.
.. moduleauthor:: Tyler Santos <1tsantos at>

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

# 3rd party P&Ms
import requests

# local Ms
import WunderWeather
from WunderWeather import today, date, forecast, weather_base

[docs]class Extract(): """Encapsulate logic for extracting weather data This is the main point of entry to extract data from the weather underground service utilizing their public API. Notes: `Wunderground Doc <>`_ URL Request Format: `<API_KEY>/features/settings/q/query.format` Attributes: BASE_URL (str): Base string used for URL generation FEATURE_URL (str): string template to generate URL for a feature request HURRICANE_URL (str): string template to generate URL for a hurricane feature request FEATURE_URL_MAP (dict): Mapping of module's feature key to wunderground's key in the URL FEATURE_RESPONSE_MAP (dict): Mapping of module's feature key to wunderground's key in the response FEATURE_CLASS_MAP (dict): Mapping of module's feature key to the object definition to generate an instance """ BASE_URL = '' FEATURE_URL = BASE_URL + '/{key}/{features}/{settings}/q/{query}.{format}' HURRICANE_URL = BASE_URL + '/{key}/{feature}/{settings}/view.{format}' FEATURE_URL_MAP = { 'alerts': 'alerts', 'astronomy': 'astronomy', 'cams': 'webcams', 'date': 'history_', 'date_range': 'planner_', 'daycast': 'forecast', 'geolookup': 'geolookup', 'hourly_daycast': 'hourly', 'hourly_weekcast': 'hourly10day', 'hurricane': 'currenthurricane', 'now': 'conditions', 'rawtide': 'rawtide', 'satellite': 'satellite', 'tide': 'tide', 'today_historical': 'almanac', 'weekcast': 'forecast10day', 'yesterday': 'yesterday', } FEATURE_RESPONSE_MAP = { 'alerts': 'alerts', 'astronomy': 'moon_phase', 'cams': 'webcams', 'date': 'history', 'date_range': 'trip', 'daycast': 'forecast', 'geolookup': 'location', 'hourly_daycast': 'hourly_forecast', 'hourly_weekcast': 'hourly_forecast', 'hurricane': 'currenthurricane', 'now': 'current_observation', 'rawtide': 'rawtide', 'satellite': 'satellite', 'tide': 'tide', 'today_historical': 'almanac', 'weekcast': 'forecast', 'yesterday': 'history', } FEATURE_CLASS_MAP = { 'alerts': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'astronomy': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'cams': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'date': 'date.Date', 'date_range': 'date.Range', 'daycast': 'forecast.Forecast', 'geolookup': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'hourly_daycast': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'hourly_weekcast': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'hurricane': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'now': 'today.Now', 'rawtide': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'satellite': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'tide': 'weather_base.WeatherBase', 'today_historical': 'today.Historical', 'weekcast': 'forecast.Forecast', 'yesterday': 'date.Date', }
[docs] @classmethod def get_feature_class(cls, feature_key): """Get the class definition for a particular feature Args: feature_key (str): internal key for feature Returns: Class definition for feature """ pkg = 'WunderWeather' klass = cls.FEATURE_CLASS_MAP[feature_key] [mod,kls] = klass.split('.') mod = __import__(pkg+'.'+mod, fromlist=[kls]) return getattr(mod, kls)
def __init__(self, api_key, settings=None): """constructor to set up extract defaults for wunderground connection Args: api_key (str): Wunderground supplied API Key. settings (dict, optional): Settings for URL as defined. Defaults to lang:EN Attributes: api_key (str): Wunderground supplied API Key. format (str): Response format. currently only JSON is supported settings (dict): Settings for URL as defined. Defaults to {lang:EN} """ self.api_key = api_key self.settings = settings if settings else {'lang': 'EN'} self.format = 'json'
[docs] def alerts(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the alerts data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_context = (('alerts', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def astronomy(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the astronomy data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_context = (('astronomy', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def cams(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the webcams data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_context = (('cams', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def geolookup(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the geolookup data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_context = (('geolookup', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def hurricane(self): """Interface with the current hurricane data feature Attributes: feature_key (str): Module feature key context (dict): Used to populate feature URL template response (dict): JSON representation of the response response_feature_key (str): Module feature key's key for response parsing ctor (`weather.WeatherBase`): Reference to class to potentially generate an instance Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_key = 'hurricane' context = { 'key': self.api_key, 'feature': type(self).FEATURE_URL_MAP[feature_key], 'format': self.format, 'settings': '/'.join(['{0}:{1}'.format(skey, svalue) for skey, svalue in self.settings.items()]), } response = self._make_feature_request(type(self).HURRICANE_URL, context) response_feature_key = type(self).FEATURE_RESPONSE_MAP[feature_key] if response_feature_key in response: ctor = type(self).get_feature_class(feature_key) return ctor({response_feature_key: response[response_feature_key]})
[docs] def today_now(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the conditions data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: today.Now instance or None """ feature_context = (('now', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def today_historical(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the almanac data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: today.Historical instance or None """ feature_context = (('today_historical', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def hourly_daycast(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the hourly data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_context = (('hourly_daycast', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def daycast(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the forcast data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: today.Now instance or None """ feature_context = (('daycast', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def hourly_weekcast(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the hourly10day data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather.Weather_Base instance or None """ feature_context = (('hourly_weekcast', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def weekcast(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the forcast10day data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: forecast.Forecast instance or None """ feature_context = (('weekcast', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def date(self, query, date): """Shorthand to interface with the history data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation date (str): Date in the form YYYYMMDD. Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: date.Date instance or None """ feature_context = (('date', date),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def date_range(self, query, date_range): """Shorthand to interface with the planner data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation date_range (str): Date range (30 day max) in the form MMDDMMDD. Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: date.Range instance or None """ feature_context = (('date_range', date_range),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def rawtide(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the rawtide data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_context = (('rawtide', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def satellite(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the satellite data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_context = (('satellite', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def tide(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the tide data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: weather_base.WeatherBase instance or None """ feature_context = (('tide', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def yesterday(self, query): """Shorthand to interface with the yesterday data feature Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation Attributes: feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to give feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Returns: date.Date instance or None """ feature_context = (('yesterday', ''),) return self.features(query, feature_context)[0]
[docs] def features(self, query, feature_context): """Central logic for making data feature requests Args: query (str or list): string or list of strings for query portion of URL generation feature_context (tuple): tuple of tuples to supply feature of interest and necessary data for that feature Attributes: query (list): Strings for URL generation feature_codes (str): Final format for URL feature keys (with data appended) context (dict): final formatted data for URL template response (dict): JSON response ctor (obj): Object Class Reference to generate an instance. Could be one of * :mod:`weather_base.WeatherBase` * :mod:`today.Now` * :mod:`today.Historical` * :mod:`forcast.Daycast` * :mod:`forcast.Weekcast` * :mod:`date.Date` * :mod:`date.Range` weather_features (list): Instances to be retuned. Offset could be None if there was no response for the supplied data feature. feature_key (str): Module's feature key response_feature_key (str): Module's feature key for URL response Returns: List of weather_features. Offsets returned in the order they are supplied in the feature_context arg. Offset could be none if no response """ if not type(query) == list: query = [query] feature_codes = [type(self).FEATURE_URL_MAP[f_key] + f_val for f_key,f_val in feature_context] context = { 'key': self.api_key, 'features': '/'.join(feature_codes), 'query': '/'.join(query), 'format': self.format, 'settings': '/'.join(['{0}:{1}'.format(s_key,s_val) for s_key,s_val in self.settings.items()]), } response = self._make_feature_request(type(self).FEATURE_URL,context) weather_features = [] for feature_key, _ in feature_context: ctor = type(self).get_feature_class(feature_key) response_feature_key = type(self).FEATURE_RESPONSE_MAP[feature_key] if response_feature_key in response: # if we get a list back as the high level item # keep the feature key in there as a single key dict if type(response[response_feature_key]) is list: weather_features.append( ctor({response_feature_key: response[response_feature_key]})) else: weather_features.append( ctor(response[response_feature_key])) else: weather_features.append(None) return weather_features
def _make_feature_request(self,url_template,data): """Private member to make a request Args: url_template (str): Template used for URL generation data (dict): Data used to populate URL template Returns: JSONified response in dictionary format """ return requests.get(url_template.format(**data)).json()