Source code for WunderWeather.weather_base

.. module:: weather_base
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Module to abstract the data feature responses for wunderground

.. moduleauthor:: Tyler Santos <1tsantos at>

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

# builtin P&Ms
from functools import reduce
from operator import getitem

# 3rd party P&Ms
from easydict import EasyDict

[docs]class WeatherBase(): """Wrapper for one all data feature responses. Attributes: data (`EasyDict`): dictionary that allows for 'dotted' key references __data (dict): python dict, JSON representation of portion of response of interest NAN (list): list of values that are considered to be no data N/A type values """ NAN = [-999, -9999] def __init__(self, data): """constructor to set up extract defaults for wunderground connection Args: data (dict): Interesting portion of wunderground's response Attributes: data (`EasyDict`): dictionary that allows for 'dotted' key references __data (dict): python dict, JSON representation of portion of response of interest """ = EasyDict(data) self.__data = data
[docs] def extract_value(self, keys): """constructor to interface with feature response Args: keys (list): list of keys to drill down into nested dictionaries Returns: value of interest or None """ if self.__data: try: return reduce(getitem, keys, self.__data) except KeyError: pass else: return None